_onMsgDelivery(input terminal, message)
blockAllTerminalsExcept(first input terminal, second input terminal, ...)
unblockTerminals(first input terminal, second input terminal, ...)
postMessage(output terminal, message)
popMessage(input terminal)
registerTimeOut(timeout in miliseconds, callback function, recurring or not)
cancelTimeOut(timeout in miliseconds, callback function)
debug(text, detail text, troubleshooting url)
caution(text, detail text, troubleshooting url)
warning(text, detail text, troubleshooting url)
error(text, detail text, troubleshooting url)
info(text, detail text, troubleshooting url)
__star.addInfotron(infotron id, blueprint UUID, properties)
__star.removeInfotron(infotron id)
__star.addIterm(infotron id, terminal id)
__star.addOterm(infotron id, terminal id)
__star.connectTerminals(source infotorn id and terminal id pair, destination infotron id and terminal pair)
__star.disconnectTerminals(source infotorn id and terminal id pair, destination infotron id and terminal pair)
__star.queueMessage(infotron id, terminal id, message)
__star.addEventListener(event name, handler function)
afterboot Event
afterbpload Event
boot Event
bpload Event
bpmiss Event
deliverymiss Event
shutdown Event